India to Build Complete Solar Equipment Manufacturing Ecosystem in 4-5 Years

India Manufacturing Review Team
Saturday, 09 November 2024

India aims to establish the entire ecosystem for solar equipment manufacturing in the next four to five years, unlike other nations that have taken over 20 years. Mittal engaged in an exclusive conversation on the sidelines of the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference in Abu Dhabi.

Indian firms rely on foreign nations for solar energy parts, limiting the potential of Indian solar enterprises, while remaining hopeful that improvements will occur in the near future. Regarding the advancement of a comprehensive solar energy manufacturing ecosystem, Mittal stated

"What other countries have done in the last 20 years, they have built the complete ecosystem of every component of supply chain, which India would take four to five years to develop," Mittal said.

Mittal mentioned that his firm, a green energy company based in Mumbai involved in renewable energy production through Solar energy, Wind energy, Pumped Hydro, and Green Fuels, seeks to end reliance on imported parts, lowering expenses and enhancing competitiveness.

"We are setting up a campus where you insert a wafer at one end of the factory and the solar panel will be coming out on the other side of the factory," he said, positioning the model as a game-changer in India's renewable energy sector.

He also mentioned that a country like India ought to promote e-methanol for the transportation sector.

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