India's ACC Battery Management Capacity To Reach 120GWh-170GWh by 2030

India Manufacturing Review Team
Thursday, 02 May 2024

India's ACC battery manufacturing limit is supposed to hit 120-170 GWh by 2030 and 550 GWh by 2035, with the battery production network having the capacity to add 1,000 GWh in the following ten years.

As indicated by Rahul Walawalkar-founder-president of India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) and seat of India Electric Mobility Council (IEMC), India's battery-producing industry can make over 2.6 million positions and bring venture worth $30 billion by 2035. Currently, the installed capacity is less than 1 GWh. “By 2030, this should hit 120-170 GWh,” he added.

He added that the battery manufacturing capacity will reach 50 GWh under the ACC PLI scheme in the next 12 to 18 months as top players set up capacity to hit scale. However, past that, the business is taking a gander at interest in the store network, which could add more GWh to the general limit. “This combined capacity will not only cater to India but also US, Europe and part of South East Asia under the China +1 policy,” he added. India's expansion will depend on global battery manufacturing capacity expanding from 1800-2000 GWh currently to approximately 8000-10000 GWh by 2030.

The government, he added, is working on a new EV policy, and discussions are currently being held with stakeholders. “This will come in when the new government takes over and FAME 3 will become part of that package,” he said. The present FAME subsidy has been stretched out till July. The public authority means that EVs should include 30% of new confidential vehicle enlistments, adding up to eight crore EVs by 2030.

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