JULY- AUGUST - 20247Safeguarding Smart Homes In An Integrated WorldPUSHKAR GOKHALE, BUSINESS HEAD, GODREJ SECURITY SOLUTIONSRevolutionizing the Automotive Industry with SDV & HPC TechnologiesPRASHANTH DORESWAMY, PRESIDENT & CEO, CONTINENTAL INDIANavigating Quality, Sustainability, & Innovation In Indian Agricultural Commodity ProcessingRAHUL KAMATH,DIRECTOR, BOLAS12302334How Women are Shaping the Advancements & Market Dynamics in Real EstatePALLAVI SHRIVASTAVA, HEAD - WORKPLACE CONSULTING, INDIA, JLL27ARUN KRISHNAMOORTHY, CMO, TECHPANIONFive Major Steps to Easily Automate your Procurement Process0809Steel Industry to Face Addition Costs with Implementation of Mining Cess Cabinet Clears Biotechnology Policy to Boost BiomanufacturingGAIL Inks Pact with Petron To establish bio-ethylene plantWipro Hydraulics Inaugurates 250 crore Manufacturing Plant in JaipurTOP STORIESAFTERWORDINDUSTRY INSIGHTS
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