OCTOBER- NOVEMBER - 20247Safeguarding Smart Homes In An Integrated WorldPUSHKAR GOKHALE, BUSINESS HEAD, GODREJ SECURITY SOLUTIONSRevolutionizing the Automotive Industry with SDV & HPC TechnologiesPRASHANTH DORESWAMY, PRESIDENT & CEO, CONTINENTAL INDIANavigating Quality, Sustainability, & Innovation In Indian Agricultural Commodity ProcessingRAHUL KAMATH,DIRECTOR, BOLAS12261934Suman Mishra, MD & CEO of Mahindra Last Mile MobilityTWO & THREE-WHEELER EV REVOLUTION IN INDIA23ARUN KRISHNAMOORTHY, CMO, TECHPANIONFive Major Steps to Easily Automate your Procurement Process0809Global Solar cell manufacturing to outstrip demand by over 1,100 GW by 2024India & Kazakhstan to set up a JV in critical minerals industryRising Solar Demand Fuels Local Manufacturing & Small Industry GrowthIndia looking Explore New Ventures with Saudi Arabia in Emerging AreasTOP STORIESAFTERWORDINDUSTRY INSIGHTS
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